Controlling social distancing with Teltonika GH5200

13 August, 2021
Aliaksandra Makarevich
Social distance control

The COVID-19 pandemic has been with us for over a year already, and the world is gradually getting used to the new reality: some employees return to their offices, people go on vacation and spend time with friends. But the risk of contracting coronavirus is still out there.

One of the main WHO recommendations for preventing the spread of COVID-19 is to maintain a social distance of at least 1 meter. However, when implementing this recommendation, difficulties arise:

  • How to control social distancing in a place where the employer is responsible for it, for example, in the office?
  • How to check if employees follow the established social distancing rules?
  • In case an employee has a confirmed diagnosis: how can the employer find out who was the person in contact and when?

Telematics suits these tasks perfectly. An excellent example is the Teltonika GH5200 personal tracker. In combination with Wialon, this device arms a user with a full-fledged solution for monitoring social distancing and tracking contacts with the COVID-19 patients in any offices, institutions, and organizations where people are in contact with one another – at a construction site, in a hospital, etc.

Let's take a closer look at this solution.

What Teltonika GH5200 can do

The complex solution by Teltonika and Wialon works as follows: the personal tracker GH5200 detects the nearest device of the same model and makes a sound if it is too close (a user specifies the allowed distance in the device settings). The device transmits all information to Wialon that collects this data into a full picture.


With the help of Teltonika GH5200 and Wialon, a client solves two key tasks:

  • monitors whether employees keep a safe distance and gets notifications in case of violations;
  • observes the interaction of employees and can detect those who contacted the infected ones, thanks to the reports.

Teltonika GH5200 + Wialon

To start working with the solution, you need to activate the Proximity detection function in the device and configure the units in Wialon afterward.

You can find how to do this in the instructions for setting up units in Wialon to control social distance using Teltonika GH5200.

What users get

  • If keeping a safe distance and tracing contacts is a strict rule, breaking it can result in severe penalties for the organization. A client can be confident that employees follow the rules and that there will be no penalties.
  • Employers can ensure full-time work in the office by monitoring the safety of employees.
  • If employees are diagnosed with COVID-19, then it is possible to trace their contacts and identify those who are at risk. The solution also allows planning the work taking into account the possible absence of these employees.
  • Users of Teltonika GH5200 devices feel safe. On the one hand, it’s because they know that the employer controls the epidemiological situation at the enterprise. On the other hand, they can control distance with their colleagues: the sound signal will always be on guard against violations.

We talked in detail about setting up and operating the device during a joint webinar with Teltonika. From the video, you will also learn the details and other features of this personal tracker, such as SOS buttons, a fall detector, etc. You can watch the recording on our YouTube channel:

We will keep on writing about state-of-the-art telematics solutions. Subscribe to our blog updates and be the first to receive news from the world of GPS monitoring.

Aliaksandra Makarevich
Aliaksandra Makarevich
Aliaksandra is a Content Marketer with 5+ years of content-related experience in publishing houses and international tech companies. She has now switched to topics associated with telematics and IoT, to keep Wialon partners updated and engaged.


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