
Manufacturer: CalAmp
Forum Discussion

Number of units

Features LMU-3040:
  • 4G/LTE
  • Blackbox

The following data should also be added to LMU-3040 unit properties section of Wialon GPS tracking software :

Device type: LMU-3040
Unique ID: custom

Specify the following parameters in configuration software or configuration LMU-3040 for use in Wialon Hosting :

Server port: 22319

7 units of LMU-3040 device type are connected to Wialon Data Center. This represents 0.01% of all OBD trackers connected.

Below chart represents the dynamic of connections in the last 30 days:

Parameter name Description Units
acc_threshold Accumulators threshold status
accum_N Accumulator N value
app_ver Application software version identifier
dtc_code_N Diagnostic Trouble Code N value
event_code The event code assigned to the report as specified by the event’s Action Parameter
event_index The index number of the event that generated the report
hdop HDOP (Horizontal Dilution Of Precision)
indctrs_0 VBUS Indicator ID 0
indctrs_1 VBUS Indicator ID 1
j1708_batt 1708 Batt Voltage V
j1708_eng_cool_temp 1708 Eng Coolant Temp °C
j1708_eng_oil_temp 1708 Eng Oil Temp °C
j1708_eng_speed 1708 Eng Speed RPM
j1708_odo 1708 Odometer m
j1708_switch_batt 1708 Switched Batt Voltage V
j1708_total_eng_hrs 1708 Total Eng Hours h
j1708_total_fuel 1708 Total Fuel L
j1708_total_idle_fl 1708 Total Idle Fuel L
j1708_total_idle_hr 1708 Total Idle Hours h
j1939_batt 1708 Batt Voltage V
j1939_eng_cool_temp 1939 Eng Coolant Temp °C
j1939_eng_oil_temp 1939 Eng Oil Temp °C
j1939_eng_speed 1939 Eng Speed RPM
j1939_hi_rez_odo 1939 Hi-Rez Odometer m
j1939_odo 1939 Odometer m
j1939_seatbelt 1939 Seatbelt
j1939_switch_batt 1939 Switched Batt Voltage V
j1939_total_eng_hrs 1939 Total Eng Hours h
j1939_total_fuel 1939 Total Fuel L
j1939_total_idle_fl 1939 Total Idle Fuel L
j1939_total_idle_hr 1939 Total Idle Hours h
params Supported Parameters
proto OBD II Protocol Identifier
sms_resp SMS command response
unit_status Status of key modules within the unit (bit field)
vin Vehicle ID

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