ATrack AW500

ATrack AW500
Manufacturer: ATrack
Forum Discussion

Number of units

Features ATrack AW500:
  • 4G/LTE
Supported in Wialon:
  • Live stream
  • Communication via TCP

The following data should also be added to ATrack AW500 unit properties section of Wialon GPS tracking software :

Device type: ATrack AW500
Unique ID: imei

Specify the following parameters in configuration software or configuration ATrack AW500 for use in Wialon Hosting :

Server port: 22580

20 units of ATrack AW500 device type are connected to Wialon Data Center. This represents 0.05% of all Video monitoring connected.

Below chart represents the dynamic of connections in the last 30 days:

Parameter name Description Units
min_speed Minimum speed in km/h that must be achieved before reporting next position.
axel_weight_3 Represents the weight on the third axle of a vehicle.
kickdown_switch A switch that activates an automatic transmission's kickdown feature, allowing for rapid acceleration.
parking_brake Parking Brake Switch Status
on_duration Duration in seconds that must elapse before RPM (Engine over-revving) state change is accepted.
num_clutch_presses Indicates the number of times the clutch pedal has been pressed.
trip_distance The total distance traveled during a specific trip.
oil_pressure Measures the pressure of the oil in the engine, which is important for engine health.
cango_abs_warn_lamp Warning lamp indicating the status of the anti-lock braking system (ABS).
humidity_# The percentage of water vapor present in the air.
tpms_press_# The pressure reading from a tire pressure monitoring system.
axle4 The fourth axle of a vehicle, which is part of the vehicle's suspension and drivetrain.
accel_y The acceleration in the Y-axis direction, indicating movement
fuel_cons Fuel Consumption
min_heading Minimum heading in degree that must be changed before reporting next position. (15..180)
eng_load OBD Calculated engine load
actual_speed The real-time speed at which a vehicle is traveling.
mnc Current MNC
accel_pos Accelerator pedal
dur_engine_torque The amount of torque produced by an engine over a period of time.
intake_manifold_air_temp Engine Intake Manifold 1 Temperature
maf_air_rate OBD MAF air flow rate
intake_manifold_temp Engine Intake Manifold 1 Temperature
fms1_fuel_level The level of fuel in the fuel management system.
tachograph_status Tachograph Overspeed status
abs_time Time ABS Active
rtc_tm RTC Time. Unix Timestamp
fuel_used_dur_idle The amount of fuel consumed while the vehicle is idling.
driver2_card Information related to the second driver's card.
eng_hours The total hours the engine has been operational.
axel_weight_2 The weight on the second axle of the vehicle.
ble_mac_TD_# The MAC (Media Access Control) address for a Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) device.
ble_rssi_# The Received Signal Strength Indicator (RSSI) for a Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) device.

Current status of RPM over-revving event
0: RPM (Engine over-revving) OFF
1: RPM (Engine over-revving) ON

snd_tm Position Sending Time. Unix Timestamp
pt_air_pressure Parking and/or Trailer Air Pressure
sensor_id Temperature sensor ID. This temperature sensor can be set to be index 1 or 2 by specifying the ID in this field.
cruise_active Indicates whether the cruise control system is active.
trip_end_tm The time when a trip ends.
gl Google Link (N/A in AX5)
cargo_weight Cargo Weight
gps_status Indicates the current status of the GPS system.
coolant_temp Engine Coolant Temperature
vehicle_id A unique identifier for the vehicle.
coll_num Number of position to be put into one TCP/UDP packet
eh_01 Engine hour in 0.1 hour
idle_duration The amount of time a vehicle remains stationary with the engine running.
trip_start_lat The latitude coordinate indicating where the trip began.

Specify the destination for tracking report position The parameter is in conjunction with the following bits:
0: Default communication type. (i.e. Command issuer)
Bit 0: SMS
Bit 1: GPRS (This is the only option for AY5)
Bit 2: USSD
Bit 3: Serial

temp1 First Temperature Sensor Value
drivers_state Driver1/2 Working State
odometer Odometer
veh_status The current status of the vehicle.
driver1_card Represents the IC card status of the driver's professional qualification certificate.
obd_speed Speed of the vehicle as determined by the On-Board Diagnostics (OBD) system.
vin VIN number
ble_mac_# The unique identifier for a Bluetooth device, often used for wireless communication.
eng_starter Represents the status of the engine's starter system.
brake_times Brake Switch apply times
pto_active Indicates whether the Power Take-Off (PTO) is currently active or not.
temp_data_# Represents temperature data, where '#' could refer to different temperature sensors or readings.
num_brake_app_th The number of times the brake has been applied.
mag_data_# Represents magnetic data, where '#' could refer to different magnetic sensors
IMEI International Mobile Equipment Identity, a unique identifier for the device.
curr_a_temp The temperature reading from sensor ID A
turbo_pressure Indicates the pressure level within the turbocharger system.
trip_start_tm The start time of a trip.
output_status Represents the current status of the output.
cruise_time Time Cruise active
pwr_int Power supply internal battery
fuel_consumption Fuel Used in 0.1 liter
temp_b_id The sensor ID corresponding to temperature B
service_dist Indicates the distance remaining or covered in relation to vehicle maintenance or service.
ble_temp_TD_# Refers to temperature data associated with a Bluetooth device.
rpm_on_tresh RPM for detecting RPM (Engine over-revving) ON state.
min_temp Minimum temperature value, and is in 0.1
brake_app_pressure Brake Application Pressure
clutch_times Clutch Switch apply times
current_rpm Current RPM reading
IMSI International Mobile Subscriber Identity, a unique number associated with all cellular networks, used to identify the user of a cellular network.
pulse_count Pulse count value
engine_rpm Engine RPM reading

Specify the schedule for the report. The parameter is in conjunction with the following bits:
0 – indicates use no schedule (i.e. always on)
Bit 0 – Schedule 1
Bit 1 – Schedule 2
Bit 2 – Schedule 3
Bit 3 – Schedule 4
Bit 4 – Schedule 5
Bit 5 – Schedule 6
Bit 6 – Schedule 7
Bit 7 – Schedule 8

tpms_id_# Identifier for the Tire Pressure Monitoring System.
firmware_ver Version of the firmware installed on the device.
report_id Report ID
trottle_pos Throttle Position
cango_seat_belt Status indicating whether the seat belt is fastened.
accel_pedal_pos Position of the accelerator pedal, indicating how much it is pressed.
clutch_switch Status indicating whether the clutch is engaged or disengaged.
sats Number of satellites involved in positioning
mil_on_status OBD MIL ON (Engine Fault) Status
prf Message prefix
fuel_# This parameter refers to the fuel-related data
cango_amb_warn_lamp This parameter refers to the status of the ambient warning lamp.
fms1_odometer This parameter refers to the vehicle's odometer reading.
vss_value VSS value is total pulses for 1 kilometer.
fuel_level Fuel Level
eng_boost_pressure Engine Turbocharger Boost Pressure
temp2 Second Temperature Sensor Value
brake_pressure1 Brake Primary Pressure
trootle_pos OBD Throttle position
mcc Current MCC
axel_weight_1 The weight measurement of the first axle.
fuel_pressure The pressure at which fuel is delivered to the engine.
model_name The name of the model for a specific device
ble_name_TD_# The name of the Bluetooth device.
engine_tmp The temperature of the engine.
brake_pressure2 Brake Secondary Pressure
cango_collant_tmp_fm The temperature of the engine coolant.
idling_time The duration for which an engine runs without moving the vehicle.
min_send_dist Minimum distance in multiple of 10 meters that must be traveled before reporting next position. (Min. 20 meters)
acc_off_time Minimum time in seconds that must elapse before reporting next position while the ACC is in Off status. ACC status in Mode must be set in order to use this time interval. (Min. 1 seconds)
total_fuel The total amount of fuel consumed.
total_hours The cumulative number of hours of operation
trip_start_long The longitude coordinate indicating where a trip started.
total_dist The total distance traveled.
dur_driving Duration of driving
tachograph_speed Speed recorded by the tachograph
accel_x Acceleration in the X direction
ble_battery_voltage_TD_# Battery voltage related to Bluetooth communication.
abs_active Indicates whether the anti-lock braking system (ABS) is active.
temp_a_id The sensor ID corresponding to temperature A

The GPS tracking Mode parameter can be in conjunction with the following bits:
Bit 0: Time mode
Bit 1: Distance mode
Bit 2: ACC status (Must combine with Bit 0 or Bit 1)
Bit 3: Heading change condition
Bit 4: Minimum speed (Must combine with Bit 0 or Bit 1)
Bit 5: Engine status = ON. (Must combine with Bit 0 or Bit 1)
Bit 6: Motion status = ON. (Must combine with Bit 0 or Bit 1)
Bit 7: Logical Operation Mode (0=AND; 1=OR; Default=0) This mode only works when combining Time, Distance, and/or Heading change. Bit 8: Reset tracking timer when event report is sent
Bit 9: Report with unique ID when in Distance Mode (Must combine with Bit 1)

axle3 Refers to the third axle of a vehicle.
j1939_fuel_level Fuel level measurement according to the J1939 standard.
curr_b_temp The temperature reading from sensor ID B
rpm_value RPM value for each pulse.
gn 10Hz G sensor data
fms12_tr2_abs_faults Faults related to the ABS system in FMS (Fleet Management System) data for the second trailer.
max_temp Maximum temperature value, and is in 0.1
off_duration Duration in seconds that must elapse before RPM (Engine over-revving) state change is accepted.
intake_air_temp OBD Intake air temperature
gsm_level The strength of the GSM signal, indicating the quality of mobile network reception.
tacho_ext_info Direction, Tachograph performance, handling info, system event
trip_idle_tm Total idle time in one trip measured in seconds.

Specify tracking times. =0 means forever tracking.

accel_z The acceleration measurement along the Z-axis used in vehicle dynamics.
fms3_odometer Distance traveled by the vehicle, measured in kilometers.
total_eng_hours Total engine hours

The connected port number where the Temperature Sensor connected with by different user.
1: First detected sensor
2: Second detected sensor

hdop_filter Indicates whether the GPS signal is filtered to prevent drifting based on the Horizontal Dilution of Precision (HDOP).
gsm_status GSM status
engine_hours Engine hours
dur_accel Duration of acceleration
hold_duration A temperature holding time, and is in minute unit.
pwr_ext Voltage of external power supply
min_send_time Minimum time in seconds that must elapse before reporting next position. (Min. 1 seconds)
rfid_id_# A unique identifier associated with an RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) tag, used for tracking purposes
tpms_temp_# The temperature reading from the Tire Pressure Monitoring System.
rpm_off_tresh RPM for detecting RPM (Engine over-revving) OFF state.
trip_total_tm Total time taken for a trip, calculated as the difference between the trip's end time and start time.
ble_temp_# Temperature reading from a Bluetooth sensor
gps_tm GPS Time. Unix Timestamp
num_brake_app Number of times the brakes have been applied

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