Join the webinar “What’s new in Wialon in Q1-Q2, 2024”

7 June, 2024
Raman Liavonau

A number of new features were added to Wialon during the first half of 2024. We would like to provide an in-depth overview of the recent additions to ensure that you know how to use them efficiently for your business needs. For this purpose, we are holding a special webinar where our speakers will cover the latest updates and answer any questions you may have about them.

The scheduled webinar will focus on the following:

  • Marking false fuel fillings and drains

  • Auto-addition of units to the work list

  • Improved interface for viewing media files

  • Muting/unmuting video sound & video quality selection

  • Truck restrictions layer from HERE

  • New options for LeaseControl (white-labeling & mobile app access)

  • Release of Wialon Local 2404

  • Unit tooltip with the updated design

  • Auto sensors creation

  • Battery level indication for electric vehicles

Date and time: June 26, 2024, 4:00 p.m. (UTC+3)

Language: English

webinar speakers en

Please remember that you need to register to attend the webinar. Make sure to do that right now by clicking on the button below.


Don’t hesitate to leave your questions in the dedicated field of the registration form — our speakers will address the most popular ones during the event. Sign up for the webinar now and add it to your calendar to join on time!

All the news about upcoming webinars appears promptly on our blog. Subscribe to the updates to learn about new publications.

Raman Liavonau
Raman Liavonau
Raman Liavonau is a Content Marketer at Wialon. He is responsible for creating concise and quality content for the Wialon blog, as well as delivering comprehensive marketing materials, landing pages, newsletters, and other types of written media.


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