Queclink GV75M

Queclink GV75M
Forum Discussion

Number of units

Features Queclink GV75M:
  • 4G/LTE
  • Blackbox
Supported in Wialon:
  • LBS
  • Communication via TCP
  • Communication via UDP

The following data should also be added to Queclink GV75M unit properties section of Wialon GPS tracking software :

Device type: Queclink GV75M
Unique ID: imei

Specify the following parameters in configuration software or configuration Queclink GV75M for use in Wialon Hosting :

Server port: 21944

1341 units of Queclink GV75M device type are connected to Wialon Data Center. This represents 0.06% of all AVL Hardware connected.

Below chart represents the dynamic of connections in the last 30 days:

Parameter name Description Units
esc_temp_# Temperature value from the Escort TD-600 sensor, where # - sensor number
can_driver2_work_st Driver working states: 0 - Rest; 1 - Driver available; 2 - Work; 3 - Drive;
avl_trailer_# Trailer ID #, where # - number
trailer_#_input Trailer input #, where # - number
can_eng_cool_temp Engine coolant temperature
rallenti_over_time RBTEL rallenti over time
can_total_distance Vehicle total distance. The number is always increasing. The unit is hectometer (H) or impulse (I) (if distance from dashboard is not available).
transparent_data Transparent data
ibutton iButton serial number
msg_type Type of message
onewire#_type 1-Wire type #, where # - number

The current motion state of device:
16 - Tow
1A - Fake Tow
11 - Ignition Off Rest
12 - Ignition Off Motion
21 - Ignition On Rest
22 - Ignition On Motion
41 - Sensor Rest
42 - Sensor Motion


  1. The network mode.

    1: GSM.

    2: WCDMA

    3: Both WCDMA and GSM.

can_total_veh_ovspd The total time when vehicle engine speed is greater than the limit defined in CAN100's configuration
rat RAT - raio access technology (2G/3G)
total_mileage Current total mileage
over_temp RBTEL over temperature
ign_off_duration Duration since last time the ignition is off
url It specifies the URL to download the configuration file.

It takes up two bytes. Each bit contains information of

one indicator.

Bit 0: FL – fuel low indicator (1 – indicator on, 0 – off).

Bit 1: DS – driver seatbelt indicator (1 – indicator on, 0 – indicator off).

Bit 2: AC – air conditioning (1 – on, 0 - off).

Bit 3: CC – cruise control (1 – active, 0 - disabled).

Bit 4: B – brake pedal (1 – pressed, 0 – released).

Bit 5: C – clutch pedal (1 – pressed, 0 – released).

Bit 6: H – handbrake (1 – pulled-up, 0 – released).

Bit 7: CL – central lock (1 – locked, 0 – unlocked).

Bit 8: R – reverse gear (1 – on, 0 – off).

Bit 9: RL – running lights (1 – on, 0 – off).

Bit 10: LB – low beams (1 – on, 0 – off).

Bit 11: HB – high beams (1 – on, 0 – off).

Bit 12: RFL – rear fog lights (1 – on, 0 – off).

Bit 13: FFL – front fog lights (1 – on, 0 – off).

Bit 14: D – doors (1 – any door opened, 0 – all doors closed).

Bit 15: T – trunk (1 – opened, 0 – closed).


The raw data read from the digital fuel sensor. If Bit 0 of in AT+GTFRI is enabled, this field will be displayed. Otherwise, this field will not be displayed.

can_axle_weight_2 Weight of vehicle’s second axle.
bt#_temp It indicates the temperature measured by Bluetooth accessory (# - number of the accessory).
analog_input1 Analog input 1
omn_temp Temperature. Omnicomm LLS fuel level sensor

Each bit contains information of one particular light.

  • Bit 0: Running Lights (1 – on, 0 – off).
  • Bit 1: Low Beam (1 – on, 0 – off).
  • Bit 2: High Beam (1 – on, 0 – off).
  • Bit 3: Front Fog Light (1 – on, 0 – off).
  • Bit 4: Rear Fog Light (1 – on, 0 – off).
  • Bit 5: Hazard Lights (1 – on, 0 – off).
  • Bit 6: Reserved.
  • Bit 7: Reserved.

can_total_dist_imp Vehicle total distance measured in Impulses (if distance from dashboard is not available)

The current motion state of device:

  • Tow
  • Fake Tow
  • Ignition Off Rest
  • Ignition Off Motion
  • Ignition On Rest
  • Ignition On Motion
  • Sensor Rest
  • Sensor Motion

bt#_mac The MAC address of the Bluetooth accessory (# - number of the accessory)
omn_level Relative level. Omnicomm LLS fuel level sensor.
esc_lev_# Fuel level value from the Escort TD-600 sensor, where # - sensor number

The model of the Bluetooth accessory which is defined in Accessory Type. The following is supported now:

The model of Escort Bluetooth Accessory. (Accessory Type is: 1 TD_BLE fuel sensor, 3: Angle Sensor)

The model of beacon temperature sensor (Accessory Type is 2):

  • 0: WTS300

The model of Beacon Multi-Functional Sensor (Accessory Type is 6):

  • 2: WTH300

The model of for Technoton accessory (Accessory Type is 7):

  • 0: DUT-E S7
  • 1: DFM 100 S7
  • 2: DFM 250D S7
  • 3: GNOM DDE S7
  • 4: GNOM DP S7

battery_# Battery voltage (# - is ID).

The type of the Bluetooth accessory. The following is supported now:

  • 0: No Bluetooth accessory.
  • 1: Escort Bluetooth Accessory.
  • 2: Beacon temperature sensor
  • 6: Beacon Multi-Functional Sensor.
  • 7: Technoton accessory

fuel_level1 First tank fuel level

Report type:

For message #224

  • 1 – sharp turn
  • 4 – quick acceleration
  • 5 – sudden (sharp) braking
  • 7 – sharp lanes crossing (direction changing)
  • 8 – vehicle tilt report

For message #30

  • 0 – Trip Start – 1st vehicle movement start after Engine On
  • 1 – Current state – When data must be sent (PTO status changed, by time interval)
  • 2 – Trip End – Engine turns off after vehicle movement
  • 3 – Engine Idle Stage End – The Engine is turned off with no Vehicle movement since last Engine On
  • 4 – Diagnostic report – Diagnostic code was reported by one of the JBus modules
  • 6 – Response on Host request – As response on request

For message #229

  • Report type 0: the tag state was changedo Report status = 1: the tag was connected to Piccolo Plus unitso Report status = 0: the tag was disconnected from Piccolo Plus unit
  • Report type 1: Periodic connected tag report. State data is bit masked value. The ReportStatus value bits mean the following:o Bit 1 (mask 0x01) – the information is sent due to timeout expiredo Bit 2 (mask 0x02) – the information is sent due to temperature changingo Bit 3 (mask 0x04) – the information is sent due to A2D value changingo Bit 4 (mask 0x08) – the information is sent due to Input changing
  • Report type 2: Current tag state sent on Host requesto Status = 0: the tag is not connectedo Status = 1: the tag is connected
  • Report type 3: the report includes the list of connected (active) tags,o Is sent as an answer on Host “Rescan active Tags” or “Get Active Tags list” message. When configured this report is sent when any available input state has changed.o Status field must be ignoret.

geo_area_mask_group_1 The bitwise mask for trigger condition setup for the corresponding PEO ID. Each bit, from bit 0 to bit 24, represents the logical status of the corresponding PEO ID to trigger the entering or exiting event. 1 means that the event of the PEO ID set is triggered and 0 means the event of the PEO ID set is not triggered. In a group, if no event of PEO ID is triggered, the bitwise mask will be null.
deviation Schedule Deviation. This is an optional value to be sent if the OBU has a timetable and is calculating the schedule deviation along the journey.
can_total_eng_hours Time of engine running since vehicle manufacture or device installation
can_bus_check CAN bus check
over_rpm RBTEL over rpm
  • 0-800MHz
  • 1-850MHz
  • 2-900MHz
  • 3-1800MHz
  • 4-1900MHz
  • 5-2100MHz

Total Hour Meter Count (accumulative ignition time)
*HEX mode only.


CANBUS driver 1 card

0=Card not present,
1=Card present

battery Internal battery percentage.
phone_number The phone number of the cellular modem (or SIM card).
ges_radius The radius of the circular Geo-Fence region.
can_ign_key Ignition key, 0-no, 1-yes
ges_dt The interval for GNSS checking position information against the Geo-Fence alarm.
mnc Mobile Network Code.
one_wire_input2 1-Wire input 2
msg_type_RSP Type of +RSP or + BSP messages
avl_driver Driver ID.
bt#_name The name of the Bluetooth accessory (# - is number of the accessory).
can_total_idle_fuel Total Idle Fuel Used.
rbcan_send_interval RBCAN send interval
msg_type_EVT Type of +EVT or + BVT messages.
dev_type The type of device.
can_bus_speed CAN bus speed
eri_mask This mask is used to configure whether to report the data from peripherals via +RESP:GTERI

Ignition status:

  • 0 - ignition off.
  • 1 - ignition on.
  • 2 - engine on.

geo_id The ID of Geo-Fence.
temp_sensor2 Temperature sensor 2
ign_dur Duration of Ignition.
dout_status The status mask of digital output1 status and digital output2 compose the byte.

  • 18 (0x12) Ignition off Motion: The vehicle had been moving before this action was regarded as car-towing event after ignition off.
  • 33 (0x21) Ignition On Rest: The vehicle is ignition on and motionless.
  • 34 (0x22) Ignition On Motion: The device is ignition on and moving.
  • 65 (0x41) Sensor Rest: The vehicle is motionless and no ignition signal is detected.
  • 66 (0x42) Sensor Motion: The vehicle is moving and no ignition signal is detected.
  • 22 (0x16) Tow: The vehicle was towed after ignition off.
  • 26 (0x1A) Fake Tow: The vehicle might have been towed after ignition off.

rbcan_bus_fuel_level RBCAN bus fuel level
eio100_outputs The status of EIO100 outputs. For each bit, 0 means “Disable status”, and 1 means “Enable status”.
can_engine_rpm The revolutions per minute of the engine.
can_eng_rpm Engine speed (from CAN).
gps_acc GPS accuracy. 0/1 - 50
gas_sensor1 Gas sensor 1
can_data Data got from CAN device
can_idle_fuel_used Total idle fuel used. Number of liters of fuel used since vehicle manufacture or device installation
bt#_status The connection status of the Bluetooth when the device role is slave. 0: The Bluetooth is not connected; 1: The Bluetooth is connected

CANBUS Device State:
0 - Abnormal. It fails to receive data from the external CANBUS device.
1 - Normal. It is OK to receive data from the external CANBUS device.

can_fuel_consumpt The fuel consumption. The consumption is calculated depending on values read from vehicle.
rbcan_bus_rpm RBCAN bus rpm
can_vehicle_speed The vehicle speed based on wheel

Diesel sensor status of the level in the tanks:
0 - level is OK,
C - charge in the tanks,
D - discharge in the tanks.


The speed level of which the harsh behavior is detected:
0 - unknown speed
1 - low speed
2 - medium speed
3 - high speed


The sensor type for the currently set table (# - is number of the sensor).

  • 0: EPSILON ES2 or ES4
  • 1: LLS 20160
  • 2: DUT-E
  • 3: QFS100
  • 4: UFSxxx
  • 5: Reserved
  • 6: DUT-E SUM
  • 20: ADC1
  • 21: Reserved

can_bus_fuel_level CAN bus fuel level

Digital Input: A bitwise to represent the logic status of the digital input. For each bit, 0 means “Disable status”, and 1 means “Enable status”. If EIO100 device is not connected or the mode of AT+GTURT is not for EIO100, the optional Bits will not be included

fuel_sensor#_volume Fuel sensor volume
fw_ver Firmware version.
config The current configurations of the device.
pwr_ext Voltage of external source.
one_wire_input1 1-Wire input 1
upc_cmd_id The command ID in the update configuration file. It is always 0 before the device starts to update device configuration. It is total number of the commands when the result code is 301. It indicates wrong format of command ID when the result code is 302.
analog_input2 Analog input 2
temp_sensor1 Temperature sensor 1
can_total_fuel_used Number of liters of fuel used since vehicle manufacture or device installation
esc_q_d Quality of driving value from the Escort TD-600 sensor

A numeral to indicate whether the configuration is updated successfully.

  • 100: The update command is starting.
  • 101: The update command is confirmed by the device.
  • 102: The update command is refused by the device.
  • 103: The update process is refused because the battery is low.
  • 200: The device starts to download the package.
  • 201: The device finishes downloading the package successfully.
  • 202: The device fails to download the package.
  • 300: The device starts to update the device configuration.
  • 301: The device finishes updating the device configuration successfully.
  • 302: The device fails to update the device configuration.
  • 303: The device refuses to update the configuration because the battery is low.
  • 304: The device refuses to update the configuration because the mask check in AT+GTFVR fails.
  • 305: The device is interrupted by abnormal reboot


This data read from Bluetooth accessory. It varies depending on <Accessory Type> and <Accessory Model>.

  • WTS300: It is a four-byte hexadecimal value. The 2 higher bytes of the hexadecimal value indicate battery voltage, the unit is millivolt. And the 2 lower bytes of the hexadecimal value indicate temperature, the high byte is the integer part and the low byte is the fractional part. Temperature is equal to the low byte divided by 256 plus the high byte, the unit is Celsius. If this value is negative, it is represented in 2’s complement format.
  • WTH300: It is a four-byte hexadecimal value. The 2 higher bytes of the hexadecimal value indicate temperature. And the 2 lower bytes of the hexadecimal value indicate humidity. The high byte is the integer part and the low byte is the fractional part. Temperature is equal to the low byte divided by 256 plus the high byte, and the unit is Celsius. Humidity is equal to the low byte divided by 256 plus the high byte, and the unit is RH.
  • Escort Angle Sensor: It is a four-byte hexadecimal value. The first byte in higher 2-byte of the hexadecimal value is reserved byte, the value is 00. The second byte in higher 2-byte of the hexadecimal value indicate Event Notification of Angle sensor. And the 2 lower bytes of the hexadecimal value indicate Tilt Angle of sensor. The specific definitions are as follows:

fuel_sensor#_percent Fuel sensor percentage.

CANBUS driver 2 card

0=Card not present,
1=Card present.


A numeral to indicate the trigger mode of the geofencing function.

0: Disable auto trigger mode.

21: Auto parking fence

22: Manual parking fence


The current Jamming status of the device.

  • 1: Quit the jamming.
  • 2: Enter the jamming.

rbcan_bus_check RBCAN bus check
pc_status PC status
flow_sensor_a Flow sensor A
mcc Mobile country code

Report ID.
For GEO:
it indicates the ID of the Geo-Fence.
For FRI:
it indicates the <Append Mask>.
For SOS:
0: Triggered through other ways.
1: Triggered by input ID 1.
For HBM:
“3” indicates high speed,
“2” indicates medium speed
“1” indicates low speed.

msg_type_name The message ID of HEX format report.
can_tacho_inf Two bytes. The high byte describes driver 2, and the low byte describes driver 1.

Detailed Information/Indicators:
Bit 1: FL – fuel low indicator (1 – indicator on, 0 – off).
Bit 2: DS – driver seatbelt indicator (1 – indicator on, 0 – off).
Bit 3: AC – air conditioning (1 – on, 0 - off).
Bit 4: CC – cruise control (1 – active, 0 - disabled).
Bit 5: B – brake pedal (1 – pressed; 0 – released).
Bit 6: C – clutch pedal (1 – pressed; 0 – released).
Bit 7: H – handbrake (1 – pulled-up, 0 – released).
Bit 8: CL – central lock (1 – locked, 0 – unlocked).
Bit 9: R – reverse gear (1 – on, 0 – off).
Bit 10: RL – running lights (1 – on, 0 – off).
Bit 11: LB – low beams (1 – on, 0 – off).
Bit 12: HB – high beams (1 – on, 0 – off).
Bit 13: RFL – rear fog lights (1 – on, 0 – off).
Bit 14: FFL – front fog lights (1 – on, 0 – off).
Bit 15: D – doors (1 – any door opened, 0 – all doors closed).
Bit 16: T – trunk (1 – opened, 0 – closed).

program_counter RBTEL program counter
gas_sensor2 Gas sensor 2

Harsh behavior:
0 - harsh braking behavior
1 - harsh acceleration behavior
2 - harsh turn behavior
3 - harsh brake and turn behavior
4 - harsh acceleration and turn behavior
5 - unknown harsh behavior

ign_on_duration Duration of Ignition On
can_eng_idle_time Time of engine running during idling status (vehicle stopped) since vehicle manufacture or device installation
lls Digit Fuel Sensor Data
can_driver1_work_st Driver working states: 0 - Rest; 1 - Driver available; 2 - Work; 3 - Drive;
can_total_dist_hect Vehicle total distance
dsl_total Diesel sensor total liters in the tanks.
dsl_tank3 DSL tank 3
file_name The name of the file transferred to FTP server. The suffix is “.jpg”.
rbct_report_type RBST report type
reduction_of_speed Reduction of speed
curr_hourmetercount The current hour meter count.
can_bus_temp CAN bus temperature
jamming_gps Broadband jamming detection threshold.
pwr_int Internal battery voltage.
flow_sensor_b Flow sensor B
head Report head

Queclink protocol version
*HEX mode only

can_range The number of kilometers to drive on remaining fuel.
driver_code Unique driver code read from 1-wire identification device, presented as hexadecimal chars.
can_total_eng_idle Total Engine Idle Time. Time of engine running during idling status (vehicle at rest) since vehicle manufacture or device installation. hour
ign The ignition state (1 - ignition is ON, 0 - ignition is OFF).
onewire#_data 1-Wire data #, where # - number
onewire#_id 1-Wire ID #, where # - number
can_total_eng_ovspd The total time when vehicle engine speed is greater than the limit defined in CAN100's configuration
curr_mileage The current mileage
onewire#_temp 1-Wire temperature #, where # - number
ibutton_auth iButton
humidity_sensor1 Humidity sensor 1

0 - Polygon GEO
1 - Circle GEO

rbcan_report_type RBCAN report type

Report ID has different meanings in different messages as listed below.

    • The ID of digital input port which triggers the message +RESP:GTSOS. The range is 1 – 2.
    • The ID of the bound IO which triggers the message +RESP:GTIOB. The value is 0.
    • The ID of the digital input port which triggers the reboot message +RESP:GTDOG. The valid value is 1.
    • The speed level at which the harsh behavior is detected in the message +RESP:GTHBM. 3 indicates high speed, 2 indicates medium speed and 1 indicates low speed.
    • The value of <Virtual Ignition Mode> which indicates the trigger source of the message +RESP:GTVGL.
      2: External power voltage mode (virtual ignition detection)
      3: Reserved
      4: Accelerometer mode (virtual ignition detection)
      7: Combined detection mode (virtual ignition detection)
    • The ID of Digital Input status which triggers the report message +RESP:GTDIS. The rangeis 1 or 2.
    • For other messages, it will always be 0.
  • GTFRI:
    • 1: Fixed time report.
    • 2: Fixed distance report.
    • 3: Fixed mileage report.
    • 4: Fixed time and mileage report.
    • 5: Fixed time or mileage report.
    • The ID of the analog input port which triggers the report message +RESP:GTEPS. The value is 0
    • The ID of the analog input port which triggers the report message +RESP:GTAIS. The value is or 5.

bt#_bat_level It indicates the remaining level of the battery in Bluetooth accessory (# - number of the accessory).
data Data from packet
dsl_tank2 DSL tank 2
can_acc_pedal_press Accelerator pedal pressure
pc_n PC n
rbcan_bus_temp RBCAN bus temperature
fuel_sensor#_id ID of the fuel sensor
can_axle_weight CANBUS Axle1 weight
adc2 ADC2 input current value.
rbcan_bus_speed RBCAN bus speed
humidity_sensor2 Humidity sensor 2
can_fuel_level_p The level of fuel in vehicle tank
can_total_fuel Total Fuel Used / Electric Total Power Used.
adc1 ADC1 input current value.
can_speed Vehicle speed (from CAN)
camera_id Camera ID
omn_freq Frequency value. Omnicomm LLS fuel level sensor
over_speed Over speed alarm
fuel_level2 Second tank fuel level

Each bit contains information of one door: Bit 1: Driver Door (1 – opened, 0 – closed).

Bit 2: Passenger Door (1 – opened, 0 – closed).

Bit 3: Rear Left Door (1 – opened, 0 – closed)

Bit 4: Rear Right Door (1 – opened, 0 – closed).

Bit 5: Trunk (1 – opened, 0 – closed).

Bit 6: Boot (1 – opened, 0 – closed).

Bit 7: Reserved.

Bit 8: Reserved.


CSQ RSSI The network signal strength level

    • 0: -113 or less
    • 1: -111
    • from 2 to 30: from -109 to -53
    • 31: -51 or grater
    • 99: Not known or not detectable
  • can_bus_rpm CAN bus rpm

    Current Parking-Fence is active or inactive.

    0 Current Parking-Fence is inactive.

    1 Current Parking-Fence is active.

    jamming_cw Continuous wave(narrowband) jamming detection threshold
    report Name of the report (+INF, +BNF, etc)
    eio100_inputs The status of EIO100 inputs. For each bit, 0 means “Disable status”, and 1 means “Enable status”
    can_vin Vehicle identification number
    can_total_driv_time Time of engine running (non-zero speed) since vehicle manufacture or device installation
    can_fuel_level_l The level of fuel in vehicle tank
    security_belt RBTEL security belt

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