
Manufacturer: Jimi IoT (Concox)
Forum Discussion

Number of units

Supported in Wialon:
  • Event video
  • Remote management via GPRS
  • Live stream
  • Manual video saving
  • Playback
  • Communication via TCP

The following data should also be added to JC371 unit properties section of Wialon GPS tracking software :

Device type: JC371
Unique ID: custom

Specify the following parameters in configuration software or configuration JC371 for use in Wialon Hosting :

Server port: 22756

5 units of JC371 device type are connected to Wialon Data Center. This represents 0.01% of all Video monitoring connected.

Below chart represents the dynamic of connections in the last 30 days:

Parameter name Description Units

Parameter value




Alarm flag (Bits1-32):
Bitwise setting: 0 means no, 1 means yes

Use Bitwise parameter control to control data of the specific bit.
For example, if you need to receive information about Bit12: Camera malfunction then use as the parameter alarm_flag:12

Bit1: Emergency alarm, trigger after triggering alarm switch

Bit2: Over speed alarm

Bit3: Driving alarm malfunction

Bit4: Risk warning

Bit5: GNSS module malfunction

Bit6: GNSS antenna was notconnected or cut

Bit7: GNSS antenna short circuited

Bit8: The terminal main power undervoltage

Bit9: The terminal main power is turned off

Bit10: Terminal LCD or displaymalfunction

Bit11: TTS module malfunction

Bit12: Camera malfunction

Bit13: Road transportcertificate IC card module malfunction

Bit14: Over speed warning

Bit15: Fatigue driving warning

Bit16-Bit18: Reserve

Bit19: The accumulated overspeed driving time of the day

Bit20: Timeout parking

Bit21: Enter and exit the area

Bit22: Enter and exit the route

Bit23: The driving time of theroute is not enough/too long

Bit24: Off track alarm

Bit25: Vehicle VSS malfunction

Bit26: Abnormal fuel capacityof vehicle

Bit27: The vehicle is stolen(through vehicle burglar alarm)

Bit28: Illegal ignition of vehicle

Bit29: Illegal displacement ofvehicle

Bit30: Collision warning

Bit31: Rollover warning

Bit32: Illegal open doorsalarm (when the terminal not set up, it’s not judged illegal open doors)


Status (Bits 1-32):

Bit1: 0: ACC off; 1: ACC on

Bit2: 0: Not positioning; 1: Positioning

Bit3: 0: North latitude; 1: South latitude

Bit4: 0: East longitude; 1: West longitude

Bit5: 0: Running status; 1: Stop running status

Bit6: 0: Latitude and longitude are not encrypted by secret plug-ins; 1:

Latitude and longitude are encrypted by secret plug-ins

Bit7-Bit8: Reserve

Bit9-Bit10: 00: Empty load; 01: Half load; 02: Reserve; 3: Full load

(It can be used for empty/heavy passenger car and empty/full load

status of the truck, manual input or sensor acquisition)

Bit11: 0: Vehicle oil line is normal; 1: Vehicle oil line disconnect

Bit12: 0: Vehicle circuit is normal; 1: Vehicle circuit disconnect

Bit13: 0: Vehicle door unlocked; 1: Vehicle door locked

Bit14: 0: Door 1 close; 1: Door 1 open (front door)

Bit15: 0: Door 2 close; 1: Door 2 open (middle door)

Bit16: 0: Door 3 close; 1: Door 3 open (back door)

Bit17: 0: Door 4 close; 1: Door 4 open (door of driver’s seat)

Bit18: 0: Door 5 close; 1: Door 5 open (user-defined)

Bit19: 0: No GPS positioning; 1: GPS positioning

Bit20: 0: No Beidou positioning; 1: Beidou positioning

Bit21: 0: No GLONASS positioning; 1: GLONASS positioning

Bit22: 0: No Galileo positioning; 1: Galileo positioning

Bit23-32: Reserve




Fuel volume


Speed driving rec


Alarm event ID


Overspeed alarm


Position type


Section ID


Route alarm




Driving time alarm


Driving time


Driving results


Video alarm

Bit 1 Video signal loss alarm
Bit 2 Video signal occlusion alarm
Bit 3 Storage unit failure alarm
Bit 4 Other video equipment failure alarm
Bit 5 Over passengers alarm
Bit 6 Abnormal driving behavior alarm
Bit 7 Special alarm recording reaches the storage threshold alarm
Bit 8-32 Reserved


Video signal loss alarm


Video signal block alarm


Memory fault alarm


Abnormal driving alarm


Veh. signal status


User mesage


Note: parameters are registered in DEC in Wialon, so you need to convert value from this table from HEX to DEC before checking values in Wialon. For example, to check information about the 0x11: Driver change event with info_id = 0x64, you need to use values alm_type=17, info_id=101. You can try to filter Messages by following parameters or use them in sensors.

Alarm type if info_id = 100 (0x64):

DEC (HEX): Definition
1 (0x01): Forward collision warning
2 (0x02): Lane departure warning
3 (0x03): Overly close vehicle warning
4 (0x04): Pedestrian collision warning
5 (0x05): Frequent lane change warning
6 (0x06): Exceeding road sign warning
7 (0x07): Obstacle warning
8 (0x08): Driver Assist Function Failure Warning
9~15 (0x09~0x0F): User customization
16 (0x10): Road sign identification event
17 (0x11): Active capture event
18~255 (0x12~0xFF): User customization

Alarm type if info_id = 101 (0x65):
DEC (HEX): Definition

1 (0x01): Fatigue driving warning
2 (0x02): Calling on hand-held mobile phone warning.
3 (0x03): Smoking warning
4 (0x04): Long time without looking ahead warning.
5 (0x05): No driver detected warning.
6 (0x06): Both hands leave steering wheel warning
7 (0x07): Driver behavior monitoring function failure warning
8~15 (0x08~0x0F): User customization
16 (0x10): Automatic capture event
17 (0x11): Driver change event
18~255 (0x12~0xFF): User customization

Alarm type if info_id = 112 (0x70):

DEC(HEX): Definition
1 (0x01): Sharp acceleration warning
2 (0x02): Sharp deceleration warning
3 (0x03): Sharp turn warning
4 (0x04): Idle speed warning
5 (0x05): Abnormal flameout warning
6 (0x06): Neutral taxi warning
7 (0x07): Engine overrunning warning
18~255 (0x12~0xFF): User customization


Vehicle status, the same as state_flag


Additional information ID

DEC(HEX): Definition
100 (0x64): driving assist warning information

101 (0x65): driver behavior monitoring function warning information

112 (0x70): violent driving warning information

20 (0x14): Video-related alarm

21 (0x15): Video signal loss alarm

22 (0x16): Video signal blockage alarm

23 (0x17): Memory fault alarm

24 (0x18): Driving behavior alarm


Alarm time threshold


Warning threshold 1

When alm_type is 0x01~0x03, this bit is warning gravity acceleration threshold in 1/100g.
When alm_type is 0x04~0x07, this bit is warning speed threshold in km/h.


Warning threshold 2

This bit is reserved when alm_type is 0x01~0x03; when alm_type is 0x04~0x07, this bit is warning engine speed threshold in RPM.



DEC(HEX): Definition
1 (0x01): normal work
2 (0x02): standby mode
3 (0x03): Upgrade maintenance
4 (0x04): Device is abnormal
16 (0x10): Disconnect


Alarm status, bits(1-32)

Bitwise setting: 0 means no, 1 means yes

bit1: Camera abnormal

bit2: Main memory exception

bit3: Auxiliary memory exception

bit4: Infrared fill light is abnormal

bit5: Abnormal speaker

bit6: Abnormal battery

bit7~bit10: Reserved

bit11: Communication module error

bit12: The positioning module is abnormal

bit13~bit32: Reserved


Warning level:

DEC(HEX): Definition
1 (0x01): Level 1 warning
2 (0x02): Level 2 warning


According to the warning sequence, starting from 0 and accumulates circularly, without distinguishing warning types.


Sign status.
This field is only applicable to warnings or events with start and end sign types.

DEC(HEX): Definition
0 (0x00): Not available
1 (0x01): Start sign
2 (0x02): End sign


Leading vehicle speed.
Range: 0~250, valid only when warning types are 0x01 and 0x02, and fill in 0x00 when not available.


Leading car/pedestrian distance


Deviation type.
Only valid when warning type is 0x02, fill in 0x00 when unavailable.

DEC(HEX): Definition
1 (0x01): Left deviation
2 (0x02): Right deviation


Road sign type.
Only valid when warning types are 0x06 and 0x10; fill in 0x00 when not available.

DEC(HEX): Definition
1 (0x01): Speed limit sign
2 (0x02): Height limit sign
3 (0x03): Weight limit sign


Road sign data. Data identified on road signs, fill in 0x00 when unavailable.


Fatigue degree.
Range 1~10. The larger the value, the more severe the fatigue.
Only valid when warning type is 0x01, fill in 0x00 when unavailable.


Terminal time zone information

Example: UTC+08:00 / UTC-08:00 can also be sent to Asia/Shanghai (note: this time zone information can recognize daylight saving time)


Mobile country code of [number] LTE base station


Mobile network code of [number] LTE base station


Tracking area code of [number] LTE base station


Encoded ID + Cell ID of the [number] LTE Base station


The RSRP value of [number] LTE base station


Video alarms \ events (related to cameras and algorithms), 0x0001-0x03FF
0x0001: Camera failure alarm

Positioning alarms \ events (GPS, car, driving behavior related)

DEC(HEX): Definition
1024-3071 (0x0400-0x0BFF)
1024 (0x0400): Rapid acceleration
1025 (0x0401): Rapid deceleration
1026 (0x0402): Sharp turn
1027 (0x0403): Speed warning
1028 (0x0404): Timeout fatigue alarm
1029 (0x0405): Driving collision warning
1030 (0x0406): Parking vibration alarm
1031 (0x0407): Displacement alarm
1032 (0x0408): Fence entry warning
1033 (0x0409): Out of the fence alarm
1034 (0x040A): Left turn warning
1035 (0x040B): Right turn warning
1036 (0x040C): Open door alarm
1037 (0x040D): Close warning
1040 (0x0410): Sleep mode event
1041 (0x0411): Work mode events

Basic alarm(SOS, peripherals, battery, system itself related)

DEC(HEX): Definition
3072-65535 (0x0C00-0xFFFF)
3073 (0x0C01): SOS emergency alarm
3074 (0x0C02): External low power alarm
3075 (0x0C03): ACC ON alarm
3076 (0x0C04): ACC OFF alarm
3077 (0x0C05): Anti-theft alarm
3078 (0x0C06): Calibration abnormality alarm
3079 (0x0C07): Identity recognition alarm
3080 (0x0C08): Alarm triggered by door
3081 (0x0C09): Abnormal oil feeling alarm
3082 (0x0C0A): Abnormal temperature and humidity alarm
3083 (0x0C0B): DLT card swiping login alarm
3084 (0x0C0C): DLT card swiping logout alarm
3085 (0x0C0D): DLT non-registered card swipe alarm
3086 (0x0C0E): Power outage alarm


Time & Date of when Alarm & Event occured


Serial number of alarm or event. The alarm serial number at the same time point must be guaranteed not to be repeated at the same time point


Additional ID of alarm
1: Fence ID
2: Fence name
: DLT card data
4: Adas calibration data


DEC (HEX): Definition
0 (0x00): Timing reporting
1 (0x01): Fixed distance reporting
2 (0x02): Inflection point upload
3 (0x03): ACC status change upload
4 (0x04): After changing from motion to static state, the last positioning point is retransmitted
5 (0x05): After the network is disconnected and reconnected, the last valid upload point before reporting
6 (0x06): Reporting mode: star Calendar update forced upload of GPS points
7 (0x07): Reporting mode: Press button to upload positioning point
8 (0x08): Reporting mode: Power on and report location information
9 (0x09): Reporting mode: GPSON
10 (0x0A): Reporting mode: The device reports the last longitude and latitude after being stationary, but the time is updated
11 (0x0B): WIFI parses the longitude and latitude upload packet
12 (0x0C): Reporting mode : LJDW (immediate positioning) command reports
13 (0x0D): Reporting mode: reports the last longitude and latitude
14 (0x0E): after the device is stationary Reporting mode: GPSDUP upload (timed upload in stationary state)
15 (0x0F): Reporting mode: exits tracking mode


0x00: real time upload
0x01: historic upload


0x00: Not connected to the power supply for charging
0x01: Connected to the power supply for charging


0x00: Not connected to the power supply for charging
0x01: The battery is extremely low (not enough to make calls and send text messages, etc.)
0x02: The light is very low (low battery alarm)
0x03: The battery is low (can be used normally)
0x04: The battery is medium
0x05: The battery is high
0x06: The battery is extremely high


0x00: No signal
0x01: Very weak signal
0x02: Weak signal
0x03: Good signal
0x04: Strong signal


Strength of wireless communication network signal

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